วันพุธที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to Properly Cultivate Potatoes

The main reason why seed potatoes are a very popular choice compared with store bought spuds because they are develop at a high altitude which minimizes the chance of diseases because there are less pests at high places. It is okay to utilize store bought potatoes for your first foray in potato gardening but there is a big chance that it will develop some disease if you keep it or a long time.


One of way of growing this crop is by using a planting technique called chitting. It means growing green stalks from your potatoes which you can then plant on your plot.


Potatoes can be cultivated on a newly cleaned grassland or leaf canopy. They should not be really grown in a land where you previously planed to crop for a number of years. They can also grow in most types of soils. They should be placed in the land when you are sure that the probability of frost will not happen or during summer.

Dig up ten-12.5 centimeters holes for the spuds. Make sure that the crops have thirty to thirty-seven centimeters spaces between with sixty to seventy centimeters spaces between the rows of the crops. You can also fill the holes with compost before placing in the plants to ensure the quality of the soil.


Potatoes are good crops to cultivate since they are not very fragile compared with other crops. But they still need some protection especially during cold weather. You can draw the soil around it for additional protection or use some straw to keep it warm. Do not forget to remove it later to make sure that they will not rot or grow any mold.
Water the crops during summer especially when they are just beginning to grow. You can place soil around the base of tubers to strengthen them especially when they are about twenty-two centimeters tall. It is called "earthing". Use a fork to bring up the soil around the plant fifteen centimeters up.


You have to wait until the flowers of the crops have wilted off before harvesting them. You can check by digging up carefully the soil with a hand fork. Once you have determined that the crop is ready, dig your fork in the soil and completely lift up the spuds. Make sure that you get the whole crop out to avoid leaving any infections in the soil.

The next batches that you will dig up are called 2nd "earlies" and until the leaves of the crop dried up, the spuds will still be developing. To harvest crops for cultivation next year, you have to wait until the tubers ceased growing.

Carefully slice the upper portion of the plants and wait for an additional two weeks. Carefully remove the roots of the plant and let it dry for quite some time. Keep the plant in a wooden box to ensure that they will be well protected until you can plant them.

