Are you tired of the ups and downs of fad dieting and want real diet tips that work? Do you feel you're on some amusement park ride full of wrenching turns and twist just to end up right back where you began? If you find yourself asking these kinds of questions, rest assured that you are not alone. While you may often feel that losing weight permanently is impossible, or just a dream, it isn't.
The five questions you need answers to for permanent weight loss:
1: I feel I could get on with my life if I could only lose 20 - 200 lbs. Are there any diet tips to help me achieve this goal?
Answer: Most people who are over weight have lost 10's or even 100's of pounds over their lifetime. So if losing weight were a solution, you would already be fine. Finding the root cause of your over eating is the only way to achieve lasting results. If you are an emotional eater, what you need is to resolve your emotional problem. If you have an addiction to sugar, you need to overcome that addiction. Once you understand the underlying problem and fix it, the weight will come off and stay off.
2: I believe will power is the key to successfully losing weight. Is this true or false?
Answer: Will power is only a temporary solution. The only permanent solution is to develop healthy habits that are deeply set in so that you do them in good times and in bad. You may indeed use some will power initially, but training yourself with lifelong habits is the key to permanent success.
3: I would be satisfied with a weekly 3-5 pound weight loss. Is this a reasonable goal?
Answer: This is the dream that every fad diet try's to sell you on. When you lose this much weight for any period of time, all you are doing is training your body to get by on less food and energy and store more fat. You need instead to train your body to use more energy by eating high quality foods and exercising. Follow this diet tip: 1/2 to one pound a week weight reduction along with eating natural non processed foods, exercise and lots of water as your target.
4: Do I need to avoid eating most carbohydrates?
Answer: If it were true that eating carbohydrates would make you fat, countries like China, Japan and other Asian countries would have an epidemic on their hands. Japan has less than 8% of it's population over weight and less than 2% are obese and they eat rice and noodles daily. Instead, it is the countries who often promote the idea that carbohydrates are bad that have the obesity epidemic. What you need is whole, natural foods. Unprocessed carbohydrates give you energy, fiber and nutrition. It is when you eat all those highly processed carbs that you have problems. White bread, white rice and cakes are instantly converted to glucose, (sugar). It is no better than eating sugar by the spoonful and that is where the problem is.
5: When I diet I like to weigh myself daily to see that I am making progress. Is this a good practice?
Answer: To be healthy which includes having a healthy weight you must focus on life long habits, not on temporary fixes. Until you understand that your problem is not your weight, but your habits, addictions and emotional instability, then you have little chance of achieving a lifelong healthy body. Once you do understand, then the need to weigh yourself no longer exist. Because now you are focused on eating healthy, exercising and finding balance with body, mind, spirit and emotions. As you do that, your weight will normalize.
Remember that we are not doctors and have no medical training. You should always seek the advice of a doctor or health care professional before beginning any weight loss or exercise program.
The key to health is in finding balance of body, mind and spirit. Key diet tips: Eat whole organic vegetables, fruit and small amounts of tree nuts and seeds along with a couple of weekly servings of deep sea cold water fish, exercise, meditate, resolve underlying emotional issues, develop close relationships with family and friends and if you are inclined, find a spiritual path of your choosing.